Year 14

A practical workshop to give students the confidence to sell themselves at an interview. 

Winning university interview techniques

  • Importance of 1st impressions and body language to project the right image
  • Types of questions to expect and how to prepare answers using the STAR approach.
  • Preparation techniques for the day of the interview.
  • Role of an interview panel
  • Understanding the interview process
  • How to beat those interview nerves
  • Interview preparation checklist

Multiple Mini Interview Workshop  (for medical, dentistry and veterinary students)

This workshop is designed to give students an insight into the MMI process and confidence to perform to the best of their ability.

  • What are MMI’s?
  • Insight into  the MMI interview process
  • Why do universities use MMI’s?
  • How will I be assessed during the MMI scenario?
  • Understanding what skills and competencies the assessor is looking for and how you will be scored.
  • MMI Scenarios  - How to work out what competency the MMI scenario is assessing?
  • Key MMI tips for success

Employability Skills and key interview techniques

A practical workshop to give students the confidence to sell themselves at an interview. 


  • What do employers expect from their employees?
  • Core competencies and how to demonstrate these at interview  ( eg. Team working, communication skills, reliability, trustworthiness)

Interview Techniques

  • Importance of 1st impressions and body language to project the right image
  • Types of questions to expect and how to prepare answers using the STAR approach.
  • Preparation techniques for the day of the interview.
  • Role of an interview panel
  • Understanding the interview process
  • How to beat those interview nerves
  • Interview preparation checklist

Call us on 028 7034 4445 or email:
to discuss your requirements